187. A cheap alternative to peppers . . .
I should define my terms. When I say cheap , I mean free, and not simply going to Aldi rather than Tesco or M&S. When I say peppers I mean bell peppers, and not one of my addictions, chili peppers. Achocha . It is a member of the Curcubit family which includes squash and cucumbers; tastes something like a cucumber crossed with a bell pepper. Grown, apparently, by the Incas in South America. You can use them as a substitute for bell peppers eg slice them up and use in stir fries etc. The great thing is that they grow prolifically - see photos - and I can say we are self-sufficient in peppers (well, kind of). And we are collecting seeds from our crop, so if anyone wants any . . . (NB That's a pear in photo bottom right.)