
Showing posts from January, 2015

205. More snow overnight . . .

Probably another 4 inches; well over a foot now, and the most I think since we arrived here 5 years ago (6th Winter - and don't we know it!). This is (was) our fruit cage.

204. . . . and 3 hours of snow later . . .

Properly snowed in! A real dump of snow - about 6 inches. Chickens did not even come out; but in return for porridge they gave me 5 eggs. No delivery of pellets, unsurprisingly. Hayfield apparently grid-locked.

203. Snowing hard here right now . . .

The chickens took one look and stayed in bed. I have cleared the road once, but it is snowing hard now and no-one been on it yet. We are expecting a pellet delivery - today of all days! Obviously won't make it. We are just about out, and have a week of pellets in bags. Lucky I like chopping wood!

202. Cement work . . .

Not done it before so it was probably about time. Cheating, really, as the cement was the pre-mixed post hole cement. And I had one of Santa's helpers to assist. But with those caveats behind me, I can say that it went quite well. Two posts straight-upish, and still standing. This is stage 2 of the new cordon line for apple trees (and maybe a pear or two) (stage 1 was digging, and stage 3 will be planting which will be in a few weeks.) Gardening Tip:- always buy different coloured watering cans, and ensure that they are always lined up neatly.

201. Fool's cap . . .

This is my latest idea for catching pheasants of which, every day, we have half a dozen or so wandering around in our bottom paddock. The idea is that the pheasants peck the corn in the bottom of the paper / card hats and then the cap sticks to their head (via double sided sticky tape). Not being able to see they wait patiently for me to turn up! That's the theory, but I have been trying it for a week, and I'm beginning to think that the device is well named.

My 200th post and the girls brought a present . . .

My 200th post. Each one a walnut of potential and taste. But before I get carried away on my celebratory bowl of cereal, I should tell you that the girls brought me a present. A full house (not including the black bantam who has not laid an egg for 18 months - maybe she's preparing a really big one). (Shame it was n't a cake!)

199. New Year thoughts . . .

We took this on Sunday towards the end of a glorious walk on Kinder. As we descended down Sandy Hay towards the reservoir and home I got to thinking - day-dreaming really - about the year ahead and my hopes for it. Get the new bed for my line of apples cordons completed, finish off the duck pond and drainage project, maybe hatch a few chicks if Flash and the broody bantams can strike up some kind of working relationship. But bigger stuff too. I hope to publish one of two books that I have written. In all of this New Year dreaming, it s increasingly clear to me as I get older that I am likely to be disappointed, and that although I may have some small victories I am likely to suffer setbacks and encounter considerable difficulties along the way. And of course, there will be as-yet-unseen new hurdles to surmount. That is life - small battles, small victories and many defeats. If you want to read something that captures that point powerfully and eloquently then read John Will