2. Aiming for Far Lands...

What is my blog about? Well, I have named it Far Lands which is a small pun on our new house name, Farlands House (see photo) and also a little ironic as will become clear. Farlands House (Farlands Cottage arrowed) In December 2010, we (my wife Sarah and I) moved to Farlands House which is a large 19th century house with several acres. Our aim is to develop a smallholding with a thriving veg garden, a few animals, and a managed woodland. We want to do this in a sustainable way, utilising where possible renewable energy. We see ourselves as stewards of the house and land, and want to leave it in a better condition than it is now. We like the CAT (Centre for Alternative Technology) mantra: reduce, re-use, recycle. Our overall aim is a greener, more self-sufficient way of life. What else might be in my blog? Well, I am a keen mountaineer and I write the occasional article for climbing magazines. And I am an avid reader - I like mostly classics, both old and new. Thoreau's ...