2. Aiming for Far Lands...

What is my blog about? Well, I have named it Far Lands which is a small pun on our new house name, Farlands House (see photo) and also a little ironic as will become clear.

Farlands House (Farlands Cottage arrowed)
In December 2010, we (my wife Sarah and I) moved to Farlands House which is a large 19th century house with several acres. Our aim is to develop a smallholding with a thriving veg garden, a few animals, and a managed woodland. We want to do this in a sustainable way, utilising where possible renewable energy. We see ourselves as stewards of the house and land, and want to leave it in a better condition than it is now. We like the CAT (Centre for Alternative Technology) mantra: reduce, re-use, recycle.

Our overall aim is a greener, more self-sufficient way of life.

What else might be in my blog? Well, I am a keen mountaineer and I write the occasional article for climbing magazines. And I am an avid reader - I like mostly classics, both old and new. Thoreau's 'Walden' is a particular favourite. Last year I did an OU philosophy course which not only made my head hurt a lot, but made me think about new things in new ways.

So, there will be smatterings of climbing, literature, philosophy and self-sufficiency in my blog. My aim (with Sarah) is to develop a more fulfilling way of life. We are aiming for Far Lands in the sense that we are not sure how things will develop (the house, the land and ourselves), but we want to enjoy the journey there. The blog's name of Far Lands is a little ironic because (apart from holidays) the action is all here at Farlands House (and smallholding) and in our heads.

Rest assured, my subsequent blogs will be shorter. But, I wanted to set the scene.


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