66. The new water system...and a great simile...

Crazy week with more workmen here than at a Balfour Beatty Xmas party. Not that it has felt like a party - each day has finished with the need and not the accomplishment of alcohol-induced relaxation.

But, we are getting there! This week has seen the complete and successful installation of our new water system - the water to the House (and the Cottage) is now stored (800 litres), ph corrected (ph6 to ph9), filtered (particular and uv) and then pumped. Turning a tap on is still surprising me.

For those that know me it is not really alcohol that is taking me into oblivion each evening - it is in fact ice-cream, chocolate and books. I'm now into Jonathan Franzen's pre-Freedom novel, The Corrections. It's all very American so far, but has just endeared itself to me with the most fantastic simile - He ate arugula ("rocket", the old farmers called it) so strong it made his eyes water, like a paragraph of Thoreau. That has really made my week!


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