90. Egg and manure deliveries...

The settled if cold weather means I have been busy in the garden. The foraging hedge is advancing a metre a day (2 sessions!) now that I have sourced some more manure (it is too wet to access Eva's heap). I texted a local horse-rider, and she delivered 30 bags within half an hour. Apparently she has been desperate to get rid of some, and we have arranged a weekly delivery. Who wants a weekly veg box when you can have manure instead?

I have built a 4th compost bin to house it.

The bantams are now pulling their weight - they started laying (2 eggs) on Wednesday and delivered 2 more today. Funny how excited we are about it. I am now designing nesting boxes for their house  to encourage greater production.

Sorry no pics, but blogger has gone temperamental on me. My fix-it-woman will be home soon, so hopefully this situation is only temporary.


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