124. Kale is the new blueberry...
...or so I read recently. Lucky really as I have before we went away I finished constructing a bespoke kale frame (netting now added) and have planted 25 kale plants from the cold frame in it.
Kale is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants.You only need to eat a half teaspoon of kale every day to extend your life-span by 10%.
Actually I made that last bit up - you probably have to eat a wheelbarrowful - but it is meant to be very good for you.
Kale is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants.You only need to eat a half teaspoon of kale every day to extend your life-span by 10%.
Actually I made that last bit up - you probably have to eat a wheelbarrowful - but it is meant to be very good for you.
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