
Showing posts from September, 2013

136. Turkey siestas...

The turkeys are now properly free-range from dawn to dusk. Quite well-behaved now that I have improved the 4 gates of their paddock and of course having earlier clipped their wings. They are very social and go round together as a gang. They like a siesta; usually two a day; they return to the house and all lie down in a heap. Plums and apples are now being harvested thick and fast. We started with the ones next to the road - we were amazed at the weekend how many walkers stop and help themselves!

135. Autumn updates...

The weather is changing but still loads of jobs to do in the garden. Still harvesting potatoes, beans and beetroot. Apples and plums almost ready. The last of the blackcurrants are in. We have clipped the turkeys' wings so hopefully they won't venture too far. I am reluctant to let them out in this spell of really bad weather. Maybe this afternoon - but rounding them up is fairly time-consuming (although amusing for passers-by). The hot box (in the greenhouse) is doing its stuff - see photo. If I had sown the melon seeds a month or six weeks earlier we might have a proper sized one. Next year. Always next year!

134. The turkeys are here...

We picked them up from their family home (5000 siblings) in Stafford, and drove them home yesterday. Four hen poults. Three seem fine, but one is very quiet and has taken to sitting under the feeder. She is drinking a little so I am hopeful that she will be fit for Christmas.

133. Sorry to mention Christmas...

...but I'm thinking about turkeys. We've decided to keep them again this year. I'm frantically building the turkey house - I've been collecting materials from skips! The plan is to collect the poults next week. About a month old. Possibly 3 or 4 of them. Names anyone?