233. Not much veg . . .

Just back from 2 weeks in Canada; we were in the middle of nowhere (Alberta) but even so it was surprising how little sign of self-sufficiency there was. Ironic too because not long ago the places near where we were staying were frontier towns and that's almost all there would have been.

In two weeks I did not see a single chicken and only one vegetable plot.

It may be something to do with the size and competence of their marauders. Especially deer and bears, the latter of which can swim, run and climb better than Olympic decathletes. Given a little training they could probably speak a second language and knock up a mean souffle too.

However, despite bears' all-round capability, Sarah has her man and was not keen for a replacement . . .

Sarah demonstrating correct pepper spray posture
(she is also shouting 'Get Back, you nasty bear')
Mozzie attack


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