283. Picking soft fruit

We are picking lots of soft fruit at the moment. Some strawberries, lots of raspberries, a few gooseberries, red currants, black currants and a couple of hybrid berries. We grow loganberries and tayberries.

It is difficult to tell the two hybrids apart although size is an indication (here anyway) as is their frequency. Tayberries (left on the top photo, above on the bottom photo), tend to be larger and give us a far better yield. They taste quite similar. They are both a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry.

As with any fruit that does not come true from seed (which is everything that has different cultivars (for example in apples, Katy and James Grieve) an infinite number of hybrids are possible.

Hence, one day there may be as many hybrids of raspberry and blackberry as there are cultivars of apple.


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