285. Been thinking about my last blog . . .

. . . even if no-one else has.

One of the implications of much of an apple's goodness (minerals and vitamins) being in its seeds is that to benefit they have to be eaten. And not just eaten but chewed up as apple seeds tend simply to be passed. I then remembered something about apple pips containing cyanide.

I began to look into all this . . .

Image result for apple pips

There are hundreds and hundreds of web snippets on the benefits of eating apples, an apple a day keeps the doctor away and all that. But quite difficult to shore it up with trusted sources.

A medium-sized apple weighs 150g - 200g and contains half that number of calories. 80% is water, 10% is carbohydrate, 0.5% protein and 4% minerals and vitamins.

Half the minerals and vitamins and fibre are in the peel and the core.

Apple pips contain amygdalin which can release cyanide when coming contact with digestive enzymes. According to the http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/contact-us/about-us/ (Cambridge University group) about 100g of apple seeds would be enough to kill a 70kg human. Assuming 8 pips an apple that's about 18 apples in one go. And you would have to chew the seeds.

  • Eat the whole apple, flesh, skin and core.
  • Eating some pips is good for you, even chewing them up, but not too many!


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