328. Scyther's Shoulder and Leak Leg

I'm suffering. Twin complaints of Scyther's Shoulder and Leak Leg.

Over the weekend I scythed the entire orchard and planted 150 leeks. The shoulder condition is maybe obvious but I will add that it's only my right shoulder. Not because I am cack-handed with my left hand (I am) but because scythes are uni-directional.

My second complaint arose because of stretching my legs wide apart over the prepared bed to drill the holes for the leeks with a dibber, and then again as I teased the bunch of leeks apart and eased them into their holes. Better than a yoga session.

Sarah, meanwhile, was on a gardening course learning how to do things properly. Top tip for leeks (if you want long stems) is to put a toilet roll in the hole. (The cardboard bit, she told me later.)


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