334. Update on chick No 7

Chick No 7 continued to fluff up yesterday.

I tied her bad leg to her good leg but she couldn't stand. I built her a wheelchair from egg boxes.

I day-dreamed of a small chair with caster wheels running around the chicken paddock. I even looked up bottle drinkers on amazon (she wouldn't be able to bend down to drink).

Sarah came home from work and we looked at the chick and her pathetic leg together.

I put her (the chick) down.

My range of emotions complete.

Today, now . . .

I have just opened up the final 2 eggs. One was a fully formed chick, one nothing. Ben really does have something to cock-a-doodle about. And our candling wasn't so bad. We knew one egg had nothing in it, just weren't at all confident about the others.

I look out of the window, I think about chick No 7.


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