342. The Village Show

At the weekend we made a dozen entries into the Village Show.

Runner beans, French beans, tomatoes x 2, roses, apples, honey, rhubarb and ginger jam, blackcurrant jam, a cucumber, courgettes and . . . this is like the tray game - there's one more and I can't remember it . . . GOT it: a Turk's Head squash (we debated which category, 'rude and amusing' or 'other' (we opted for 'other' for fear of very rude (and common) deformed potatoes)).

These were our results:

1st prizes: honey, courgettes, roses
2nd prize: apples (Katy / Laxton's Superb, King of the Pippins)
3rd prize: cucumber

Impressive, eh?

Not really. Only 9 people and a dog entered, and there was no honey category - I had to phone up and ask for a honey category to be added (only one entry - us).


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