
Showing posts from December, 2012

86. Two years...

We moved here two years ago today! In 4cm of snow and -3C. It is banal but seems true all the same that time speeds up as you get older. Perhaps a good time for a little year-end reflection. Looking back over the last year, we have made some progress - the extension housing our new heating and water systems. The gym, and a new kitchen. As for us, have we changed? Not sure. Do we know ourselves better? Maybe a little; I used to think I was a finisher, but I think I may be a starter. What is exciting me at the moment are new plans - a major new foraging hedge with over a 100 trees and a new writing project (more another time). Sarah on the other hand is a starter and a finisher and an inbetweener!

85. It is Winter...

It has been a week of harsh weather here, and the cold weather and short daylight hours are beginning to frustrate me. Winter is meant to be a time when I can check and repair walls, fences, stiles etc. But I don't seem to be making much progress anywhere. Winter is also of course the season to rest and be jolly. I sometimes find that difficult, but here's trying...

84. Fowl play?

KFC are a bit reluctant to come out of their house - the photo shows Charlotte helping Sarah persuade them to come out for a bit. The weather has been fairly awful - yesterday we got our first snow of the season. Huge great flakes for an hour or so, but by the afternoon it had all gone. The sign of things to come no doubt. The chickens are very well-behaved - all up on their roosting bar by 4pm, no madcap chases like I had with Osborne & Gove. And I have not killed them yet. Eva bought six bantams,keeping three when she gave me three. She now only has two after one of them hanged itself on a nail in her chicken house. At this stage an ex-police spokesperson said "We are still making enquiries, and are not ruling out fowl play. Any information would be welcome."