84. Fowl play?

KFC are a bit reluctant to come out of their house - the photo shows Charlotte helping Sarah persuade them to come out for a bit. The weather has been fairly awful - yesterday we got our first snow of the season. Huge great flakes for an hour or so, but by the afternoon it had all gone. The sign of things to come no doubt.

The chickens are very well-behaved - all up on their roosting bar by 4pm, no madcap chases like I had with Osborne & Gove.

And I have not killed them yet.

Eva bought six bantams,keeping three when she gave me three. She now only has two after one of them hanged itself on a nail in her chicken house. At this stage an ex-police spokesperson said "We are still making enquiries, and are not ruling out fowl play. Any information would be welcome."


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