119. 'From Cop to Coppicer' update

Still writing my book, 'From Cop to Coppicer'. A week or two ago I went on a Guardian masterclass with Danuta Kean to learn how to pitch it - how to contact and hopefully hook an agent or a publisher. I now have my two line elevator pitch (so-called because you can relay it during an elevator ride).

So here it is:-

It is a book about a Cop who has a breakdown and attempts to recover by developing a smallholding.

I came back from the course furiously motivated, and have now written in the region of 60 000 words although it will need a serious edit.

If I do suffer from any writer's block I could copy James Patterson (just about the UK's most successful-selling author at the moment) - he was on Radio 4 on Monday and said that he hangs in his gravity boots for inspiration.


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