149. Turkey Times...
Turkey-time this week. Plucked (etc) the first two on Saturday morning.
Our electrician (with whom I had hammered out a complex cash-turkey deal for re-wiring the top of our house) took away the larger one (14lb, ready for the oven, he has just told me).

Then, this morning, Sarah and I gutted our bird. (We had watched (on the recommendation of our electrician) a U tube video showing an 8 year old girl gutting one in under 5 minutes - amazing!
Our bird weighed 12lb - not bad.
Orders now being taken for next year!
Happy Christmas to you, my reader(s)!
Our electrician (with whom I had hammered out a complex cash-turkey deal for re-wiring the top of our house) took away the larger one (14lb, ready for the oven, he has just told me).
Then, this morning, Sarah and I gutted our bird. (We had watched (on the recommendation of our electrician) a U tube video showing an 8 year old girl gutting one in under 5 minutes - amazing!
Our bird weighed 12lb - not bad.
Orders now being taken for next year!
Happy Christmas to you, my reader(s)!
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