191. Faberge eggs . . .

Our chicks to chickens experiment is not going so well.

We started with 12 chicks, and they are now 18 weeks old. We have still not had a single egg, and we have only got 5 hens when they do eventually start laying. They are BIG and they eat a lot!

2 of the males are in the freezer and 2 more will join them today.

But just in terms of food, the chickens are now worth over £10 each.

The plan is to keep one rooster - the biggest one who we have called Flash (NB this morning he woke Sarah at 3.30am so time might even be called on him) - and for the other roosters (3 more after today) to climb into the freezer over the next few weeks.

Flash will then give us the possibility of hatching our own chicks; if we do that we might try and sex them as one-day-olds - even if we are not that successful, it will be better than each egg becoming more valuable than a Faberge one.


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