192. Winter's coming . . .

The extended Summer and the mild Autumn this year is blinding us to the fact that Winter is approaching.

I was reminded of this in the garden yesterday. I was chopping up a few logs when I began to hear a tremendous squawking.  I immediately thought that Flash, our now giant-sized rooster was impressing himself yet again on one of the hens (our poor bantams!)

But no, it was not one of our hens. The racket grew far louder, and I realised it was overhead. I looked up, and there it was.

Two or three arrows of what I think were Canada Geese. Chattering away as they flew to their Winter lodgings.

Winter is coming. But that's a good thing. Seasons are part of us, at least part of living in the UK. The natural world needs them, and I would argue we need them too. Every day is different, even if only slightly - the sun sets slightly earlier, the wind blows from a different direction, the air temperature is colder.

Every day is fresh. Every day has possibility.


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