196. How to warm up at this time of year . . .

There are really only two options.

Either get drunk at the office Xmas party (either yours or someone else's; probably about the only time when gate-crashers are welcomed), or . . .

. . . get digging. 

And as I don't have an office to have an Xmas party, the decision is made.

Traditionally, the digging jobs at this time of year are unpacking the goodies in the compost heap, and spreading those goodies into and digging over the vegetable beds. I am currently burrowing around in two different heaps; one the result of our garden waste and the other the horse manure pile. Both are dark black, and stuffed with wire worms. We steam together.

I am also digging a new cordon bed - removing the rocks and roots, then inverting the turfs about a foot down and back-filling with a soil / compost mix - which is a messy affair in all this rain.

But the thought of a succulent Katy, or the Beauty of Bath or even a Belle de Boskoop is spurring me on.


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