211. She's gone broody . . .

(Not Sarah.)

But our white bantam. Having sworn at her for years about being a broody cow, we are now delighted.

So, she went broody on Friday, and on Saturday we prepared the Hatchery for her. (The Turkey House in another life.) Scrubbed it and added a nesting box.

On Saturday evening at dusk we moved her in. Along with 5 eggs. And then on Sunday we added 3 more eggs. (They are all Sussex eggs as we don't want some random bantam-Sussex breed.)

And now she just sits there, impressively plumped-up, and appearing completely comatose. She does have jobs though - she has to ensure that all the eggs are warm enough and she moves them about to do this. She also turns them several times a day to ensure that the developing embryo does not stick to the shell and cause abnormal growth.

In the mornings I lift her off, ensure she eats something, and check that she has not rejected any of the eggs (ie that she can fit 8 underneath her).

In 21 days (Easter weekend) we shall see!


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