213. It's Day 14 . . .

. . . and we're getting nervous.

Since the 2 broken eggs I have stopped lifting her (our broody bantam who is now sitting on 6 eggs) off her nest in the mornings. I was doing this to ensure that she ate and drank.

Now, however, I heap her food in such a way that I can tell whether she has eaten any.

The other sign is whether she has left some droppings. If she has I know she has at least stretched her legs!

Incidentally, broody poop is different to normal poop. In the photo below the 3 poop balls on the left are normal (carefully collected from the chicken house and brought over for comparison purposes to the Hatchery), whereas the one on the right is broody poop - runny and browner.

I knew you'd like it!


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