216. Health & Safety in the home . . .

New research has shown that it is better to wear safety goggles above your eyes rather than - as is traditional - to cover the eyes themselves. It seems that water vapour and other gases condense on the goggles and then drip down. This dripping creates a curtain-like effect  for the eyes and better protects them than the plastic of the goggles themselves.

So, with that research in mind, I finished my latest batch of lime pickle at the weekend. The photos show me pouring the boiling mustard oil into the bowl of limes and spices (which have been maturing nicely for the last 6 weeks).

Clouds of smoke as you can, but I least I was protected by the new hot-off-the-stove research. Excuse the pun!

 If you would like the recipe, please get in touch.


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