226. Little and large . . .

At least one of my readership has been clamouring for update photos of the chicks, so . . .
Remember this?

Well, now, after 7 weeks they look like this . . .

They are all roosting and the white chick is now bigger than its surrogate mother, our white bantam. But, not to be outdone by her 'offspring', she has started laying again. And, furthermore, Sarah now thinks that both of the chicks are looking like hens. So, all in all, it is a good news story in the turkey house.

Elsewhere in the garden the Autumnal weather is taking a toll. Yesterday at 4pm I saw my breath as I walked across the lawn. As a result nothing is really growing, and everything, me included, is feeling and looking windswept.

Better weather, like jam, always seems to be tomorrow.


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