232. Fighting the War of the Strawberries, and winning . . .

For the last few years we have had very few strawberries, beaten by weather, slugs and mice.

But this year looks like being our best year since we moved here. The weather has helped as has the change to growing the plants in raised beds surrounded by chipping.

But the weather was OK last year, and we had raised beds then too.

Last year, however, the strawbs were stolen. Not by our neighbours, but by mice. This year, we have fought back with traps. And so far, we have caught 9 of the greedy devils.

So, we're winning that war. But losing others - our egg count is down, right down. Only one yesterday. I had a few theories, and this morning I hung around after opening up the chicken house. One chicken went straight up to the top of the paddock and disappeared.

I found her sitting on 2 eggs.

I have a feeling that due to the upset caused by the 2 chicks and the bantam sleeping in the nest boxes that the older chickens would prefer somewhere nice and quiet to sit and lay. Imagine trying to have a kip in a kid's playroom!

I will keep you posted on developments!


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