243. An early bath?

Tragedy struck in the turkey paddock this week.

When we first arrived at Farlands our neighbour grazed a few sheep and lambs in the paddock and a legacy of that use is a large circular drinking trough. Over the years I have occasionally emptied it as it gets quite stagnant but it always fills again, naturally with rainfall.

At the end of last week I let the turkeys out in the morning as usual. But when I went to check on them at lunchtime, I could only find four. That is very unusual as normally they waddle around in a tight group.

I could not find the fifth turkey and I decided to put them back in their house while I looked.

As I did so I walked past the drinking trough.

There was the fifth turkey. Floating.

Turkeys can't swim. Jam sarnies for Xmas.


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