244. Sloe vodka

Winter's coming and although there's Xmas I like to have a back up to get me through to the Spring.

The answer (my answer) is sloe vodka.

So now is the time to get in the hedgerows, especially down South. I hope one day to be able to harvest bucket loads from our own foraging hedge (planted 2 years ago with plenty of blackthorn - but no sloes yet). So I turned to the local hedgerows. After 2 hours I had a motley selection weighing 400g. But at least that was something.

Then last week I went to Whitstable and did a local hedgerow walk towards Canterbury. In about 20 minutes four of us collected over 3 kilos!

1 litre bottle
400g sloes (if collected before first frost put in freezer for a few days before you make it)
100g sugar (that's quite dry and how I like it; 200g of sugar makes it far sweeter)
fill with vodka (or gin if you prefer)

Then leave for 6 months (occasionally turn upside down).
Decant and drink.

Easter is looking good!


  1. mmmmmm ... we have been considering our own version for a while for Xmas but did not get around to it. More goodies in the pot though so you will not be disappointed. We will get around to catching up with you on the Vodka/Gin front next year.


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