247. Jamming and ringing . . .

It's that time of year for jamming and pickling. We have made various jams (they are blackberries in the pan) recently, and yesterday I did mincemeat. But with the oven on for 3 hours I wondered what else I could put in. Mincemeat needs a low heat, 120C.

 I decided to try apple rings, and with one of the most fantastic inventions of mankind (an all in one corer, peeler and slicer - red thing in photo - about a tenner on Amazon, they make superb Xmas presents) I sliced up a few large Bramleys.

And into the oven they went. I checked the rings after 2 hours, and I thought they needed a bit longer. 3 hours though, as you can see, was perhaps a little too long. Ideally, I think the heat should be lower.

Delicious, I think. But the results have also passed the all-important other-half test. In addition, they were ready to be stored (in a paper bag) straight away.

You may be keen to know the answer to last week's teaser? I will leave you with a photo answer.

(I missed, if you were wondering.)


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