249. We will have to take baths until the Spring . . .

It's the 1st of December and the official start of Winter. So far, it's not been that cold but it has been wet.

The last couple of years we have lost both our asparagus and our globe artichokes to the Winter and, I suspect, to the wet in particular. Both are perennials and should survive. So, this year, and with the adage 'if you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same result' ringing in my head, I decided to try something new.

I was prompted by an RHS gardener in Scotland saying that he and his team spent the whole of November bubble-wrapping plants.

The photo shows my effort for the globe artichokes.

After weeding and manuring the artichokes' plot, I bent the half-metre plants over and covered them in straw. Then I borrowed the shower door from our bathroom and popped it on top. Fits perfectly.

We will see if it works when we get to Spring.

And, until then, without a shower door, we will just have to take baths.


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