22. We have freezing rain...but BT Infinity too!

Its grim here today! The temperature is hovering at zero, we are shrouded in low cloud, and there is freezing rain (FR) (last night Eno (BBC NW) got v excited about explaining this phenomena; we blamed it on her being a regional broadcaster, but then Darren Bett (BBC's weather anchor also got v excited).

The view from my window looks like this:-

Very unusually, I have not yet ventured outside. And the FR means that I'll probably be insulating the loft this afternoon.

We might have FR, but we also have BT Infinity, ie very, very quick broadband. I researched this last week, and not being that techie (I am so not techy that I am not even sure how to spell it), I almost fell off my chair when told we could get it, and how fast it might be. Its the result of the big fibre-optic rollout that is occasionally in the news. So, our exchange (New Mills) is now connected to Hayfield via the new fibre-optic cabling, and from there it's (still) copper to the house.

I know you want the figures. Well, we were getting less than 1Mb/s. Yes, less than 1. We now get 17 Mb/s. Seventeen. Yes, seventeen.That's fast!

BT is rolling it out nationwide, but has started with outlying areas to test it before working on more concentrated urban places. Well, that's what they said. I have done a little checking, and can report that Karacin and 80 Pengwern are not connected so far, but Cadence is.

Could you get BT Infinity? Check at:-


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