297. Escape!

Last week we almost lost the turkeys.

I came home at dusk to find only 2 turkeys (we should have 6) still in the paddock, in the bottom corner next to the gate. When I walked down to them I saw that 2 more were just the other side of the fence. They had flown or jumped over.

I climbed over the fence, caught 2 of them and put them back into the paddock. I then heard a flapping noise, and I turned to see, incredulously, that one of the turkeys was on the far side of the river. Somehow it had waddled down to the riverbank, jumped / flown the six feet down to the river, waded / swum the river and climbed out onto the other side.

I followed it, waded the river, and somehow managed to capture it.

That made 5.

As I herded them back up the paddock, head-torch now on, I spotted the 6th. It had settled down for the night on the ground and was rather annoyed at being disturbed.

So, we still have 6 turkeys.

At the weekend we clipped their (right) wings for a second time.

And, if one of the turkeys is coming your way, Xmas is still happening! (They are getting big; the 6 of them have eaten over 100kg of feed in the 9 weeks we have had them.)


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