307. The Tunnel, Part I

You may have heard about the current scare about Avian Influenza (bird flu). As a result current DEFRA regulations mean that all poultry (including chickens and turkeys) have to be housed or kept separate from wild birds. This is to reduce the risk of contact with wild birds who are bringing the disease over from mainland Europe. Last week an outbreak was reported in Yorkshire.

We have been keeping our chickens inside their house but with the DEFRA ban recent being extended until late Feb, we decided at the weekend to build an outside pen.

After 'a light-bulb moment' I co-opted Sarah to help me borrow a large section of land-drain pipe from our neighbour. The Tunnel! Which allows our chickens to get from their house to the pen.

We finished the construction on Sunday morning, and ever since I have felt like a cross between Pavlov and Attenborough as I have watched (and got involved) with the results.

Continued in The Tunnel, Part II, blog 308 . . .


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