320. The bees are getting busy . . .

Last weekend we sorted out the bee-hives (the WBC on the right hand side is empty). I built a new platform, and we put this in place (1st two photos are before and after). Also removed the Winter cladding, and removed the restricted entrance (NB bottom photo below shows the restricted entrance still there - it's the thin but wide piece of wood with the blue drawing pin).

The restricted entrance is meant to keep out mice during the Winter. However, we have found some droppings so we are not sure. Apparently, the bees tolerate a mouse in Winter (although for us it's annoying as they eat the comb) and then eject it in Spring. We shall see.

The good news is that the bees are collecting pollen (easy to see in the bottom photo - the yellow balls on the rear legs; often referred to as pollen baskets but actually hairs). This means (hopefully) that there is a queen and that she is laying because pollen is used to feed the brood.


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