319. We've got a dog!

I know, I know . . . but I've kind of always wanted one . . .

. . . from when I was very young, before I joined the Job, when I was thinking about joining the Job. I had a dream (I must have been 13 or 14, and I had lots of posters of dogs on my bedroom walls) about becoming a bearded-batchelor police dog-handler.

In my dream I called the dog Wolfram.

And guess what? We've called our dog Wolfram!

He's so cute. He is, of course, an Alsatian and a good guard-dog. Which will be good because this is a big place and Sarah's away a lot. (The door-bell went off in the middle of the night last week, no-one there, turned out it was half-pressed in, but it didn't half freak me out.)

Anyway, Wolfram is a new type of dog. Specially bred for people like me.

He's a veggie.

Eats like a horse of course, but and this is the point, he eats just like a horse.

CRUCIALLY, he shits like a horse too. So, no smelly piles all around the garden but just the sweet-smelling stuff that can stay where it is or go on the roses or on the compost heaps.


  1. You kept that very quiet. I had no idea you used to be dog mad.
    What exactly are you feeding him?

  2. I assume that the date your post was written - 1st April - is key to the story?!!


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