58. PV panels - the 1st year...

The 1st reckoning for the PV panels has arrived - 1 year since installation. The predicted target was 2391 KWs for our 3.76 KW system (which suffers from 21% shading).

With the unpredictable weather over the last few months, and in particular the South-lurking Gulf Stream, the target has looked totally out-of-reach.

However, we almost hit it. Our 1st year total is 2327 KW (just over 97% of target).

And if you like statistics:-
  • the best week was 118 KWs (week beginning 23 May)
  • the best day was 19 KWs (3x) (30 April, 21, 23 May) 
  • average required was 6.55 KWs a day
  • average reached was 6.4KWs a day
And in terms of the investment:- our outlay should be repaid in about 12 years (depending on weather and solar panel degradation) of the 25 year government-guaranteed (we hope) FIT (Feed In Tariff) scheme.
Graphs, pie-charts, venn diagrams and johari windows to follow!


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