63. Chaos has driven me to retail therapy...

...well, at least to the local second-hand bookshop. 12 books in about as many minutes! More of them in a mo.

But first, the chaos. The builders have knocked through from the kit room into the hall - dust everywhere despite several walls of plastic. So many walls of plastic and sheets that going up and down the stairs has become a time-consuming adventure (perhaps similar to negotiating a Turkish massage-parlour boudoir). It has also necessitated me to make a packed lunch in my own house!

I'm trying to keep the builders morale up - entertainment this week has included me taking down the washing from the whirlygig whilst wearing a pair of gloves. My explanation is that I was mowing the grass, it started to rain, and I did not want to get the white-wash grassy.

All of this chaos and mayhem has driven me to ice-cream with everything, and a trip to the local bookshop - how about this for a fab book list:-

Amsterdam (McEwan - just about completing my collection)
The Bridge - Iain Banks
Freedom (& Corrections) - Franzen
2 x William Boyd (thanks Mum)
On The Beach (Shute - thanks Nick & Sals)
French Lieutenant's Woman (almost completing my Fowles collection!)
The Rat - Gunter Grass (spur of the moment)
Elegance of the Hedgehog (in the spirit of the Aussie man who after buying a jeep-load of beer, then added a bottle of sherry for his missus, the result being the wheel fell off the jeep and him commenting 'overdid it on the sherry')
Snakes and Ladders (ditto)
Bitter Fruit (ditto)


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