62. Breaking in...

An AB day (Absolutely Bonkers day in James and Sarah textspeak - please share yours!) yesterday.

Full speed ahead on the extension - on site were 3 x builders, the plumber, electrician and joiner. The share price of both Tetleys and McVities jumped 10%.

Lots of progress - they have now broken into the house in the kit room, plaster-boarded most of the two new rooms, and the doors and windows are being fitted. I love the new gym room door (I will be massaging it later with Danish Oil).

I hope it's ok to love a door. After all, some people love their neighbours. (But they probably don't massage them.)

Other House Manager action included cottage guests arriving, cutting and fitting inspection pipes for some of our communal water source taps (in the field above Eva), and the usual activities on the veg and fruit plot (harvesting potatoes, spinach, beans, tayberries and loganberries; planting out more chard and spinach and weeding) (and murdering slugs of course).


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