74. Mayhem, chaos and their colleagues...

...are still firmly encamped here at Farlands.

As I write this I am having a conversation with an electrician who has just taken up a floorboard of my office. To distract me from him distracting me I can look out of my (1st floor) window directly at a NW electricity operative re-attaching the electricity cable across the gable end of our house. Through the (remaining) floorboards, I can hear the other electrician hammering (should electricians be hammering?) in our new (mostly) kitchen and the floor chap in the gym (don't call it a utility room or I'll dedicate a whole blog to its nomenclature). And that's not even a mention of the painter...

We are making progress, but to quote our neighbour "why does everyone make a big job out of a small job?"!.

Progress this week has included the kitchen reaching finishing stages...after 3 weeks of washing up in the bath and cooking with microwave and freezer, I am beginning to run out of inspiration. Last night I did noodles with soya sauce, eggs, prawns and peanuts - all from fresh or dry goods.

And the boiler room (see photo), and kit rooms are just about done.

The new wood pellet boiler, HW tank and hopper (boot for scale!).


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