101. Two-person jobs...

I do most jobs around the smallholding by myself, and although most are straight-forward for one person (digging, writing), occasionally I end up holding stuff between my knees, in my mouth, using blu-tac...

Waving my chainsaw about...

Some jobs, however, just need a second person.

So, hooray for the weekend! Two-person jobs can get ticked.

First on the list was lopping off a few branches from a sycamore that might shade the fast-approaching foraging hedge (110 trees due to be delivered on Thursday). Some may call this tree surgery. For us, it was more like Carry On Doctor. And quite dangerous. We escaped with a half-job and a nearly mishap. But, hey ho, nothing for nearlies.

Then it was onto the chickens. We captured them and fitted yellow leg rings to their legs (you can just see the ring in the picture).

And finally to the raspberries - their wobbly structures needed supporting so as to at least make it through one more year.

Although two-person jobs are much more fun, I don't get to hum (Skyfall at the moment) or sing (more often than not  Adeste Laetes Animis... (my school song)). Pity any passing walkers...


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