96. Guess how many...

...eggs were waiting for us when we got back from La Grave? (Answer at end of post. And you have to work it out to prevent those with peripheral vision indiscipline not guessing.)

Ironically it is now snowing hard here and is as cold as La Grave. A little annoying as there are stacks of things to get done outside - pruning the fruit trees, plodding on with the foraging hedge and preparing for the new fruit trees (yes, I have ordered a couple more).

Rhubarb (I promise) and today's snow.
Some good news on the smallholding however - the rhubarb is showing its head in the new rhubarb bed, and the bantams are laying well. In fact they seem to have laid better while we were away. Perhaps talking to them, at least what I have been saying to them, has not helped.

So, how many eggs did they lay in our 10 day absence? (100/5)(+17)(-1)(/6)(x2)(+2)


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