152. Do you like sweet corn?

We do! But they are quite tricky to grow, especially up North, because they require a very long growing season. (On top of that they don't like being transplanted, and have to be grown in a block to aid wind pollination.)

After three years of nothing, I decided last year to try them in our green-house. Risking transplantation, I transferred 15 cm plants to an cold water-tank in the greenhouse. 

Success! We had 20 sweetcorn and plants that, triffid-like, wanted to burst out through the ceiling.

This year, in an attempt to reduce the risk of broken glass, I have sunk the cold-water tank into the greenhouse floor - see photo. 

I was not multi-tasking and burying an annoying neighbour
- the hand is actually a glove, and for scale-purposes.


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