103. Foraging Hedge report...

Day 2 saw us plant another 39 trees, so 108 trees in total:- 106 in the foraging hedge and two (a Mirabelle and a Brownlee's Russett in the orchard).

We planted the following:-

Hazel x 25 (good for hedge structure, fast growers);
Elder x 10 (elderflower cordial and elderberries for desserts);
Blackthorn x 20 (sloes for sloe gin!, and early source of nectar for bees);
Dogrose x 10 (for colour);
Sea Buckthorn x 10 (berries can be cooked with);
Crab apple x 10;
Wild pear x 10;
Willow x 10 (we hope they are male, and if so they will be an early source of pollen for bees);
Medlar x 1.

...and after.

Now, we have just have to wait. And hope that the badgers don't dig them up, the sheep don't nibble them, they don't get too much rain (nor too little) and the sun comes out.
Then it'll be time for a sloe gin or two...


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