178. Question Time . . .

Last week I helped out on the NFG (Northern Fruit Group) stand at the Tatton show. We were displaying an impressive selection of soft fruit.

Far less impressive was my answering of the many questions from the people looking at the fruit.

After being quizzed by seven consecutive people on figs I wondered whether I should have taken a hip flask. I quickly realised that the only things I knew lots about were strawberries and gooseberries. Unlike school exams however, copying from the next person was not just allowed but expected, and by the end of the day I knew quite a lot more than at the start.

One question I had no trouble with was, 'My parents apple tree died last year, and my father died soon afterwards. Do you think the two things are connected?'

I told her that 'I did not believe in that kind of thing.'

When I later related the story to my mother-in-law she came up with would have been a far better reply:- 'Did he fall off the tree?'


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