11. The boiler decision...a tale of two committees

Its been an exciting week! We have made the decision to extend Farlands, and to replace the entire heating system.

Boilers, biomass, solar thermal, solar PV, wood chip, RHI, pellets, logs, heat pumps (ground and air), insulation, garages, sheds, hoppers, log stores, chip stores, surveyors, building & planning regulations and so on has been whirring round and round my head for months. Almost since we moved here, when we realised that oil is so expensive, and that we needed a bigger kitchen / utility room and a gym!

It whirs and whirs round my head. I write lists, get quotes, have meetings, analyse all the figures. But, I can't decide. Enough to drive a man to drink, or worse...

That's where Sarah comes in!

Interestingly, this process (I gather info, she decides) is not unique to us.

A few years ago we did a yoga course with Charlie at Braziers Park in the Chilterns. It was founded in 1950 as an educational trust, and is "is a continuing experiment in the advantages and problems of living in a group" (http://www.braziers.org.uk/). They had one fascinating booklet on decision-making, and advocated two groups / committees make the best decisions.

So, I am group A; I gather information, analyse and ponder. Sarah is group B; she listens, asks difficult questions and decides. Fast!

So, we have pressed the button. Not nuclear, but wood pellet.We have engaged a surveyor (he measures up on Friday), told our builder (Summer 2012) and are currently finalising details with a wood pellet supplier and installer. Our plan is for a wood pellet boiler, backed up by solar thermal for both House and Cottage. And, we should be eligible for RHI.


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