13. Christmas preparations...

Yesterday was the end of the road for our first livestock, O&G our turkeys. For a Christmas interpretation of the day see http://thefarlandsturkeychronicles.blogspot.com/

On that blog I promised more photos and a sideways video (!):-

Although the day was bright and sunny, our mood was reflective. They had a nice life, we kept telling ourselves. 10 and 15 pounds in weight. We also reflected that killing is almost completely alien to our modern life, yet the results of killing are so prevalent.

Other Xmas preparations have been more jolly:- cake, sweets, wrapping, invites to three parties on three consecutive nights (we feel we have arrived in Hayfield (not quite local, that being only when several generations are in the cemetery)). Tomorrow we will pick the first brussels and take them with the turkey lurkey to Reading.

Happy Christmas to all my blog followers (I hope the plural term is not too optimistic).


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