43. Dog days...

Not a very good day yesterday...the electricians came to quote on the electrics for our extension. They departed in their car by running the washing line over and leaving it at 90 degrees. Then I noticed that our Summer cage roof (fine mesh) which Sarah and I had put on the cage at the weekend had blown onto the hawthorn hedge - I did not know enough obscenities to deal with that properly.

Then I went into the veg. garden where nothing is really growing. Mainly due to the cold and windy conditions. But, also because a mouse had taken residence in the greenhouse and dug up the runner beans, the slugs are rampaging again and my newly-planted-out kale had been a quick snack for the pigeons.

There were 6 lettuces...
So a dog day. Or so I thought.

Nothing like a bit of context to make you feel better - Radio 4 has just had a piece on Derry mothers driving their sons for punishment beatings including having them shot.

Moaning that slugs have eaten my green shoots now seems a bit pathetic. (If sheep had nibbled my fruit trees, now that would be different...)


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