47. Mushroom angst...

I am...alive and kicking! Fab mushrooms - I fried them with a bit of garlic.

I was a little worried, however, when I was going to sleep - I began to obsess about every little nuance of my body. Partly because my local mushroom expert had emailed me this in response to my query:-

"If you are going to try some for tea then I wouldn't suggest eating too many, just in case they're not St George's. It would also help to keep a specimen to one side in case you need to hand it in to hospital staff, should you be rushed into A&E with mushroom poisoning... They would be able to identify the species and hopefully sort out any symptoms until the toxins left your system!!"

As I lay in bed worrying, I started to worry that my (first) worry could in fact be psychosomatic (this apparently is classic mushroom angst and people turn up at A&E having eaten totally harmless 'shrooms). I then spent an hour or so trying to differ between my two worries - at which point I fell asleep.

But, a third level of worry presented itself this morning. I first thought 'Hooray, I am alive', and then I wondered whether I was in a parallel universe. Only for a bit mind.

Now, I am planning to dry some, so if you are lucky you might get to try some!


  1. Hi James it's Stuart from Glossop Wild Food and Fungi.

    I am totally relieved to see that the mushrooms were indeed edible and I am sorry for causing unnecessary anxiety and worry.


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