45. The Farlands magic is back...

The Farlands magic is back - it has been warm and sunny here all week. And there is no better place on earth than here - well, maybe that's just in the context of the Winters and the disappointing Spring so far.
All the great Summer activities are underway - the scythe is out and in use, I am collecting kindling, weeding and scything around all the fruit and coppice trees, and sowing and planting like a man with woodpeckers for hands. So many permutations and combinations of the greenhouse and cold frame; then there is the seed bed, and finally the actual beds themselves. All need attention (hoeing) and love (blood and bone fertiliser).

There is loads to do - more sowing (peas and spinach today), planting (swiss chard), the grass needs mowing; and of course continual checking on the progress of the various crops.

And if that is not magical enough for you (it is for me), then how about this:- (?)

One of Eva's chickens has decided that she would rather lay at Farlands House rather than at Eva's. So, although the chicken in question stays each night in Eva's hen house, she comes out to lay under our wood pile (the same one every time) each morning. So, by about 11am each day, I go and check the wood pile, and there lies a golden egg.

Now, that's magic!


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