25. Visiting the alma mater...

Farlands is hard during the Winter - and we go away occasionally so I can take off my second pair of trousers and we can go to bed without water bottles.

We went back to Cambridge for a long weekend - to celebrate 14th February 1993 when we started going out! 19 years! We marked the occasion by returning to Brown's restaurant, and also by re-immersing ourselves in student culture - we saw a play, endured an awful comedy Smoker and chatted up some freshers.

We returned to Christ's where we took up our dining rights on top table for a splendid evening, and we also investigated our new interests - the famous mulberry tree and the College bee-hives.

In fact we did a bit of everything - walked along the Backs, visited the Boathouse, went to Kings evensong and got horribly horribly drunk.

Well, not so drunk - I am Captain Sensible these days!


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